I'll admit it. After my first son was born, I wanted a girl. I thought the
perfect family would be one of each, a mismatched set. The experience of raising
a boy and a girl would let me see all the secrets and magic of childhood from each sex's perspective. When it came time for baby number two, we gave it our best shot.
"Her" name is Ben.
Im not proud of that twinge of disappointment
when we saw the ultrasound. My ungrateful, selfish self mourned the loss of mother-daughter banquets and Little House on the Prairie. I'd never get to shop for prom dresses or tie the bows on tiny tap shoes. Since we won't be having any more kids, I've instead decided to focus on the advantages of being the only
female in our now male-dominated household.
I get to buy all the cute dresses for myself. Okay, I still ogle small gorgeous flowered jumpers with matching socks and hats. But since my sons prefer either: t-shirts and sweatpants OR sweatpants and t-shirts, I have been able to
add to my wardrobe quite a bit.
#2. Boy toys are just more fun. I know its not politically correct, but
robot wars knock the socks off of a tea party any day. Now I can play with Legos
and Rescue Heroes all I want.
#3. Im in better shape. Maybe other all-boy households are not as athletic
as mine, but I'm married to a football coach. Afternoon playtime consists of
baseball, croquet, soccer, football and golf, sometimes all at the same time. I
never thought Id have to learn to pitch as a thirty-five-year-old.
#4. I am queen of all things girly in my household. No one messes with my makeup, hairspray or mango-scented body cream. However, in my next house, I have
one demand. I get my own bathroom. I
will paint it coral. It will have a wide, deep, clean bathtub that only I am
allowed to use. No one will be allowed to pee standing up anywhere near my toilet. I will light candles, burn incense, and escape to my private sanctuary anytime I choose. While I'm fantasizing, Im also going to make it soundproof
#5. I appreciate my women friends more. We need each other. The other
night at book club, there were four women, nine boys between us. It seems like
moms of boys need to escape, to find a welcoming nest, where others know what its
like to have a boy child present you with his used socks and say, "Smell these, Mom!
They really stink!"
#6. Hair is not an issue. Our local barber has the standing order to
deliver haircuts that look good uncombed, first thing in the morning and after a day of swimming. It can be no longer than
one-half inch at any point on the skull. Ill never know the frustration of learning
to French braid, raking a comb through long curly locks, or spending the morning looking for loose barrettes.
Mary Kate and Ashley. I may
get tired of watching the Justice League save the planet, but the chances are slim that I will ever have to suffer through
an Olsen Twins movie.
#8. There is nothing pink in my house. Pink has never been one of my
favorite colors. Its all I can do to not gag as I shop for gifts for my nieces
in that all-pink aisle at Target. I may have to worry about my boys wanting to
paint their room black or camouflage, but its not likely they'll ever want anything pink.
#9. Potty training. Maybe its not easier as an overall concept, but easier in that you have more options when you
are in the middle of a long car trip, miles from the nearest rest stop, and the chorus of "I GOTTA GO NOW!" rings out from
the backseat.
Its a whole new world, regardless.
No matter what the sex of your child or children, each one has his or her own gifts, quirks and surprises. You may
not have the daughter of your dreams, but chances are your sons will be the loves of your life.
Christy Lui spends her days playing Matchbox cars and digging
for worms with sons TJ (5) and Ben (3). By night (and very, very early in the
morning) she is a freelance writer based in Dousman, WI.